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Balbi volcano, North Solomons Province, Papua Neuguinea: news & activity updates

Updated: 23. Apr. 2024 21:33 GMT-

Balbi volcano (Bougainville, Papua New Guinea) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 30 April-6 May 2008 (New Activity / Unrest)

Mi, 30. Apr 2008, 06:00
Based on information from RVO, the Darwin VAAC reported that Balbi erupted on 7 May. Ash was not detected on satellite imagery. [Correction: RVO later confirmed that Balbi did not erupt on 7 May and attributed the reports to thunderstorm activity.] Read all
Balbi Vulkan
stratovolcano 2715 m 8,907 feet
North Solomons Province (Papua Neuguinea), -5.92°S / 154.98°E
Aktueller Status: normal / ruhend (1 von 5) Ausbrüche des Balbi:
unconfirmed eruptions in
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