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Zavodovski Volcano

Updated: 24 avril. 2024 16:33 GMT -
stratovolcano 551 m / 1,808 ft
South Sandwich Islands (UK), -56.3°S / -27.57°W
Condition actuelle: normal / en sommeil (1 sur 5)
Last update: 20 déc. 2021 (Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report)

Mt Curry volcano (also referred to as Mt Asphyxia) is the active volcano on the uninhabited, 5 km wide Zavodovski island at the northernmost end of the South Sandwich Islands.

[smaller] [larger]
Style éruptif tipique: explosive
Eruptions du volcan Zavodovski: 2014, 2012, 1908 (?), 1830 (?), 1823 (?), 1819

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No recent earthquakes
HeureMag. / ProfondeurDistance / Lieu


Zavodovski Island is formed by a single 551-m-high basaltic stratovolcano which has 2 flank cones on the east side. Mount Curry forms the island's summit west of the center of the island. 2 fissures extend NE from Mt Curry towards the east-flank craters, and a lava platform is located along the eastern coast.
Zavodovski is the most frequently visited of the South Sandwich Islands. It was erupting when first seen in 1819 by the explorer Bellingshausen, and the volcano has been reported to be smoking during subsequent visits. (GVP volcano information)

Latest satellite images

Zavodovski satellite image sat1Zavodovski satellite image sat2
mer., 29 juin 2016, 06:00

Zavodovski volcano (South Sandwich Islands, UK) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 29 June-5 July 2016 (New Activity / Unrest)

On 30 March an eruption at Zavodovski was reported and photographed by observers on a fishing vessel, as well as captured by a satellite image. A small ash plume drifted E, producing ashfall on 1/3 to 1/2 of the island. A photo showed bombs being ejected from the crater. ... Read all
sam., 18 juin 2016, 16:17

Zavodovski volcano (South Sandwich Islands (UK)) activity update: strong steaming, degassing

Steam plume from Zavodovski Island on 13 June 2016 (Terra / NASA via South Sandwich Islands Volcano Monitoring Blog)
A significant steam plume emitted from the volcano continues to be visible on satellite imagery, suggesting that the volcano is not completely calm, and might even show some sort of mild activity. ... Read all

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