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Cerro Leon Volcano

Updated: Dec 6, 2024 13:44 GMT -
Cone 280 m / 919 ft
Mexico, 30.23°N / -114.66°W
Current status: (probably) extinct (0 out of 5)

[smaller] [larger]
Typical eruption style: unspecified
Cerro Leon volcano eruptions: None during the past 10,000 years
Less than few million years ago (Pleistocene)

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Cerro León, also known as Volcán Prieto ("Dark volcano"), is a small, roughly 280-m-high cone of early Pleistocene age (~2.5 Ma) that was constructed along the Guaymas lineament on the east coast of northern Baja California (Martin-Barajas and Weber, 2003). The eastern flank of the volcano extends into the Gulf of California. It is part of the Puertecitos Volcanic Province, within the Gulf of California Rift Basin System (Martin-Barajas and Weber, 2003; Oskin and Stock, 2003). This volcanic province is the most extensive in the region and has the longest known volcanic history. It is typically calc-alkaline and largely rhyolitic, but Cerro Leon is predominantly andesitic (Stock, 2000; Gastil et al., 1979; Martin-Barajas and Weber, 2003).
Source: Smithsonian / GVP volcano information

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