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Volcans au Vietnam (12)

Bas Dong Nai | Bas Song Be | Cu-Lao Re | Darlac Volcanic Field | Haut Dong Nai | Ile des Cendres | Pleiku-Bantour Volcanic Field | Toroeng Prong | Unnamed | Unnamed | Veteran | Vinkh-Linkh
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Bas Dong Nai

(volcanic field 392 m / 1,286 ft)
Bas Dong Nai volcano (also known as the Xuan Loc Plateau) is a volcanic field in SE Vietnam, east of Ho Chi Minh city (Saigon). It could be less than 10,000 years old and is the southernmost volcanic area in mainland Vietnam. Suzanna Mount is a well-preserved 180 m high basaltic ... [plus d'info]

Bas Song Be

(Volcanic field unknown)
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Cu-Lao Re

(volcanic field 181 m / 594 ft)
Cu-Lao Re volcano is a group of 4 basaltic sub-aerial and 9 submarine volcanic cones 150 km off the coast of central Vietnam.
3 of the subaerial cones form Cù-Lao Ré Island, and the fourth forms Cù-Lao Bo Bai Island. [plus d'info]

Darlac Volcanic Field

(Cone(s) unknown)
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Haut Dong Nai

(volcanic field 1000 m / 3,281 ft)
Haut Dong Nai volcano (also known as the Djiring Plateau) is a field of both older and relatively young cones and lava flows in south-central Vietnam NE of Ho Chi Minh city (Saigon). The field covers 70 x 150 km and some of its vents could have erupted less than 10,000 years ago. [plus d'info]

Ile des Cendres

(submarine volcanoes -20 m / -66 ft)
Ile des Cendres ("Island of Ashes") volcano is a group of submarine volcanoes off the SE coast of Vietnam. It consists of 2 submarine cinder cones that formed temporary islands during the last eruption in 1923 and 2 submarine lava cones of uncertain age. Several other submarine v... [plus d'info]

Pleiku-Bantour Volcanic Field

(Cone(s) 1028 m / 3373 ft)
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Toroeng Prong

(cinder cone 800 m / 2,625 ft)
Toroeng Prong volcano is a small basaltic cone in west-central Vietnam SW of the city of Quang Ngai. Toroeng volcano contains a crater lake and 3 vents. It is well preserved and could be less than 10,000 years old. [plus d'info]


(Cone unknown)
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(Cone unknown)
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(submarine volcano unknown depth)
Veteran is a submarine volcano 34 km SSE off the Grand Catwick Rock, located off the SE coast of Vietnam.
In 1880, a new reef was reported at this location. In 1882, it had disappeared, suggesting that a volcanic eruption had occurred.
Discolored water at the site, po... [plus d'info]


(Cone unknown)
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