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Tenerife Volcano

Updated: 24 apr. 2024 00:36 GMT -
shield volcano 3715 m
Canary Islands (Spain), 28.27°N / -16.64°W
Current status: normal or dormant (1 out of 5)
Last update: 13 lug 2022 (seismic activity 2000-2022 (video animation))

The large triangular island of Tenerife is composed of a complex of overlapping Miocene-to-Quaternary stratovolcanoes that have remained active into historical time.

[smaller] [larger]
Typical eruption style: Explosive
Eruzioni del vulcano Tenerife: 1909, 1798, 1706, 1704, 1492, 1444?, 1396?, 1341?

Latest nearby earthquakes

Data / oraMag. / Prof.Distanza / Ubicazione
19 apr 13:57 (Canary)

8.9 km
13 km a sud Canary Islands, Spain Region
giovedì, 18 aprile 2024 GMT (1 sismo)
18 apr 14:18 (Canary)

19 km
23 km a est Spain: SE FASNIA.ITF
giovedì, 11 aprile 2024 GMT (2 sismi)
11 apr 22:18 (Canary)

45 km
16 km a sud ovest Canary Islands, Spain Region
11 apr 21:44 (Canary)

9 km
21 km a ovest Spain: S BUENAVISTA DEL NORTE.ITF
sabato, 20 aprile 2024 GMT (1 sismo)
20 apr 09:26 (Canary)

8 km
3.6 km a sud ovest Spain: NE GUÍA DE ISORA.ITF
venerdì, 12 aprile 2024 GMT (1 sismo)
12 apr 02:49 (Canary)

7 km
16 km a ovest Spain: NE SANTIAGO DEL TEIDE.ITF


The NE-trending Cordillera Dorsal volcanic massif joins the Las Cañadas volcano on the SW side of Tenerife with older volcanoes, creating the largest volcanic complex of the Canary Islands. Controversy surrounds the formation of the dramatic 10 x 17 km Las Cañadas caldera, which is partially filled by 3715-m-high Teide stratovolcano, the highest peak in the Atlantic Ocean. The origin of the caldera has been considered to be due entirely or in part to either a massive landslide (in a manner similar to the earlier formation of the massive La Orotava and Guimar valleys in the Cordillera Dorsal) or due to major explosive eruptions. The most recent stage of activity beginning in the late Pleistocene included the construction of the Pico Viejo and Teide edifices. Tenerife was perhaps observed in eruption by Christopher Columbus, and several flank vents on the Canary Island's most active volcano have been active during historical time. Source: Smithsonian GVP

Tenerife Volcano Photos

Latest satellite images

Tenerife satellite image sat1Tenerife satellite image sat2
Wed, 13 Jul 2022, 14:03

Teide volcano (Tenerife Island, Canary Islands): seismic activity 2000-2022 (video animation)

Distribution vs. depth vs. magnitude of earthquakes at Teide volcano during 2000-2022 (image: Volcanes De Canarias)
The Volcanes De Canarias published an interesting video animation depicting the seismic activity of Tenerife Island over the past 22 years (the warmer the circle colors are, the shallower quakes occur; the larger the circles, the stronger quakes). ... Read all
Tue, 12 Jul 2022, 21:37

Teide volcano (Tenerife Island, Canary Islands): seismic swarm

Quakes distribution beneath the Teide volcano over the past two days (image: INVOLCAN)
The local INVOLCAN observatory recorded a weak elevated seismic activity at 01:39 local time today. ... Read all

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