Taradake Volcano
Updated: Sep 15, 2024 22:39 GMT -
Stratovolcano 1076 m / 3530 ft
Japan, 32.98°N / 130.08°E
Current status: (probably) extinct (0 out of 5)
Japan, 32.98°N / 130.08°E
Current status: (probably) extinct (0 out of 5)
[smaller] [larger]
Taradake volcano eruptions: None during the past 10,000 years
Less than few million years ago (Pleistocene)
Latest nearby earthquakes
Time | Mag. / Depth | Distance / Location |
Taradake is a stratovolcano and lava dome NW of Unzen volcano that was active mostly between 1.3 and 0.4 million years ago (Nakano et al., 2001). Mainly basalt was erupted from about 4.6 to 1 Ma. At this point, a stratovolcano formed, erupting calc-alkaline andesites and dacites. Basaltic volcanism resumed at around 0.8 Ma, and from 0.6 to 0.4 Ma was mostly andesitic lavas (Higo and Mashima, 2004).---
Source: Smithsonian / GVP volcano information