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Volcanoes в Турции (25)

Acigöl-Nevsehir | Akyarlar | Ararat | Arpacay | Ceyhan-Osmaniye | Erciyes Dagi | Etrusk | Girekol | Gölcük | Göllü Dağ | Hasan Dagi | Karaca Dağ | Karadağ | Karapinar | Karasu Rift | Kargapazari Dagi | Kars | Kenger | Kisir Dagi | Koruhüyüğü | Kula | Nemrut Dagi | Sandal | Süphan Dağ | Tendürek Dağ
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(caldera, lava domes 1689 m)
Google Earth View image of the caldera of Acigöl-Nevsehir
Google Earth View image of the caldera of Acigöl-Nevsehir
The big caldera of Acigöl-Nevsehir is located in central Turkey and has a size of 7-8 km diameter. [больше информации]


(lava domes 172 m)
Volcanic cones and domes of Akyarlar volcanic field on the Bodrum peninsula of southwestern Turkey seen from Kos Island, Greece.
Volcanic cones and domes of Akyarlar volcanic field on the Bodrum peninsula of southwestern Turkey seen from Kos Island, Greece.
The Bodrum & Akyarlar volcanics belong to the area of the active Cos volcanic complex and are the most western volcanics of Turkey. [больше информации]


(stratovolcano 5165 m)
The 5165-m-high, double-peaked stratovolcano Mount Ararat, also known as Agri Dagi, is Turkey's highest, largest volume, and easternmost volcano. [больше информации]


(Volcanic field unknown)
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(Volcanic field 424 m / 1391 ft)
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Erciyes Dagi

(stratovolcano 3916 m)
Erciyes Dağ or Erciyes Dagi volcano is a massive, eroded stratovolcano that dominates the northern end of the Sultansazligi Basin in central Anatolia. It covers an area of about 1300 sq km. [больше информации]


(Stratovolcano 3100 m / 10171 ft)
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(stratovolcano 2323 m)
A huge volcano north of Van lake with a great eruption crater towards south-east. [больше информации]

Göllü Dağ

(stratovolcano 2143 m)
Göllü Dağ, a 2143-m-high rhyolitic-to-rhyodacitic lava dome complex in central Anatolia, lies between the Hasan Dağ and Acigöl-Nevsehir volcanic complexes. [больше информации]

Hasan Dagi

(stratovolcano 3253 m)
The Hasan Dagi is a huge stratovolcano on which caldera collapses took place in ca. 7500-7600 years ago. [больше информации]

Karaca Dağ

(shieldvolcano 1957 m)
The huge Karaca Dağ volcano is a 1957 m high basaltic shield volcano in SE-Turkey near the Syrian border. It is situated on the Arabian foreland and about 150 km of the boundary of the Anatolian plate. It has been active since the Pliocene and also in historic times eruptions occ... [больше информации]


(stratovolcano, lava domes 2265 m)
A huge volcanic complex near the village Madenşehri with a huge crater. [больше информации]


(cinder cones, maar 1086 m)
The Karapinar volcanic field is one of the most interesting areas in south-western Turkey. [больше информации]

Karasu Rift

(Volcanic field 486 m / 1594 ft)
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(stratovolcano ca. 3000 m)
The Kars Plateau is a broad calc-alkaline to alkaline volcanic field of largely Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene age in the NE corner of Turkey (Innocenti et al., 1982; Yilmaz, 1990). [больше информации]


(cinder cone 745 m)
The Kenger volcano belongs to the fault system that created also the Kula cinder cones in western Turkey. [больше информации]

Kisir Dagi

(Unknown 3192 m / 10472 ft)
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(cinder cones 433 m)
A serial of cinder cones in the "graben" structure in the area north of Kirikhan town in Turkey. [больше информации]


(cinder cones, maars 740 m)
The Kula volcanic field in western Turkey near the city Selendi had the last eruptions probably more than 10.000 years ago. [больше информации]

Nemrut Dagi

(caldera 2948 m)
The summit of Nemrut Dagi is truncated by a 5 x 9 km caldera near Lake Van in eastern Turkey. A lake that partially fills the western side of the caldera is constrained by post-caldera eruptions that produced glassy obsidian lava flows from domes on the eastern caldera floor. A series of scoria cones and lava domes were erupted along N-S-trending fissures on the northern flank. Ash layers in Lake Van document numerous Holocene eruptions from Nemrut Dagi. (Image: NASA International Space Station image ISS001-E-6354, 2001,
The summit of Nemrut Dagi is truncated by a 5 x 9 km caldera near Lake Van in eastern Turkey. A lake that partially fills the western side of the caldera is constrained by post-caldera eruptions that produced glassy obsidian lava flows from domes on the eastern caldera floor. A series of scoria cones and lava domes were erupted along N-S-trending fissures on the northern flank. Ash layers in Lake Van document numerous Holocene eruptions from Nemrut Dagi. (Image: NASA International Space Station image ISS001-E-6354, 2001,
Nemrut Dağ (or Nemrut Dagi) volcano is the westernmost of a group of volcanoes near Lake Van in eastern Anatolia, and the only one that has erupted in historical time. It contains a 9 x 5 km caldera partially filled on its western side by a caldera lake. [больше информации]


(cinder cone 855 m)
The Sandal volcano belongs to the Kula volcanic area. [больше информации]

Süphan Dağ

(lava dome, strato volcano, pyroclatsic flows 4158 m)
The huge lava dome and strato-volcano is situated north of the famous lake Van. [больше информации]

Tendürek Dağ

(stratovolcano 3584 m)
Tendürek Dağ, also written as Tendürük Dagi, is an elongated shield volcano that rises 1800 m above the plain of Dogubayazit, near the Iranian border, south of Mount Ararat. [больше информации]


Чт, 1 янв 1970, 00:00

Сообщается об извержении вулкана с горы Гёксун Кушкаясы, Турция, 11 февраля 2023 года

Сообщается об извержении вулкана с горы Гёксун Кушкаясы, Турция, 11 февраля 2023 года
В Турции распространяются новости о том, что новый вулкан мог образоваться на горе под названием Кушьякасы, недалеко от деревни Бююкызылджик в районе Гёксун в провинции Кахраманмараш, 11 февраля 2023 года. ... Read all
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