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L'équipe de VolcanoDiscovery et VolcanoAdventures

Notre équipe est formée de membres de la communauté scientifique, basés en Europe, en Indonésie et à Hawaï, tous engagées activement dans de nombreuses associations géologiques et volcanologiques telles que l'IAVCEI (Association Internationale de Volcanologie et de la Chimie de l'Intérieur de la terre), la GSA (Société Géologique de l'Amérique), la EAG (Association Européenne de la Géochimie) et la EGU (Société Géophysique Européenne).
Nous travaillons étroitement avec les scientifiques internationaux des instituts et des observatoires de volcanologie partout dans le monde. Nous organisons des voyages pour des particuliers ou des groupes de particuliers, qui bénéficient de nos services qui ont été choisis pour leur efficacité par des médias aussi prestigieux que National Geographic, Discovery Channel, la BBC, CNN et Geo. Découvrez ci-dessous les professionnels toujours bien informés qui vous offrent de découvrir l'intensité d'un voyage extraordinaire, rempli d'émotions, au cœur des plus beaux paysages volcaniques mondiaux.

Tom Pfeiffer

Le Dr Tom Pfeiffer, volcanologue allemand, est le fondateur et le directeur général de VolcanoAdventures/VolcanoDiscovery. Sa passion pour les volcans est née à l'occasion d'une éruption du mont Etna et elle n'a jamais cessé de s'amplifier. C'est un expert de Santorin et il a travaillé aux observatoires de volcanologie des volcans d'Hawaï et du Vésuve. Il organise tous nos voyages et il guide lui-même des excursions en Europe aussi bien que des expéditions vers les éruptions extraordinaires aux quatre coins de la planète.


Andi au volcan Slamet (2014)
Adi Susanto Rosadi ("Andi") de Yogyakarta en Indonésie, est le principal organisateur d'expédition de volcan pour VolcanoDiscovery sur l'Indonésie. Il a beaucoup voyagé autour de nombreux volcans en activité dans le pays depuis qu'il était un adolescent et les connaît mieux que quiconque d'autre et entretient de près des contacts avec des volcanologues. Il organise des ateliers pour des guides locaux pour leurs enseigner sur les volcans. Pendant la grande éruption de 2010 de son volcan domestique Merapi, il faisait partie des volontaires dévoués pour l'urgence et de de l'équipe de secours qui est entrée dans les zones mises en danger pour évacuer les gens, récupérer les blessés et les morts, en risquant souvent leur propre vie.

Eleanor Wright

Eleanor Wright
In 2017, Eleanor Wright graduated from the University of Reading with a First-Class Hons in Environmental Science. She developed a strong passion for volcanology and the earth's natural hazards so pursued a Master's at University College London (UCL) in Geophysical Hazards, obtaining a Distinction in Autumn 2020.
Both of Eleanor's BSc and MSc dissertations had a strong volcanological focus – investigating climatic and societal impacts from the 1815 eruption of Tambora using historical records, and modelling ash hazard and its associated impact to European aviation from a hypothetical eruption of Furnas, the Azores, respectively. The latter of these was inspired following an internship with the IVAR Academy, University of the Azores. She began volunteering for the team in 2020 helping write volcano news articles, in particular on our new blog about volcanoes and volcanism.
Evenyne Pradal
Dr. Evelyne Pradal is a trained geologist and volcanologist with a passion of showing and teaching her subject to the general public. Born in Aurillac, in the heart of the Auvergne, Central Europe's youngest volcanic field, she studied in the renowned Center of Earth Science of the university of Clermont-Ferrand, one of France's leading research institutes in the field of volcanology.
Her research led her to study volcanoes in Mexico, the Caribbean, Ethiopia and other areas.
After completing her doctorate degee in 1990 she went on to work as consultant and teacher in earth sciences, and she has been organizing expeditions and study trips to volcanoes in Italy, France, the Caribbean, Ethiopia and Tanzania designed to share knowledge and the fascination of her subject, the beauty of our living earth, to the general public. She also co-authored the book "Au coeur des volcans" (2004, Ed. Fleurus - Geo Ados). Evelyne with her charming smile joined our team in 2010 and guides trips to Etna, Ethiopia, the Caribbean, and a new study trip in the Auvergne, her homeland.


Galih Jati on Krakatau in Sep 2018
Professional mountain climber and adventure tour guide from Java, Yohannes Tyas Galih Jati ("Galih") has been leading many of our tours and expeditions in Java and other parts of Indonesia, working closely together with Andi. His passion for volcanoes, knowledge about them and his country, people and organization skills are outstanding. People love Galih also for his extraordinary patience, balance and humor on many levels. Over the years, he has become one of our most trusted tour guides.
Irina (left) with Enku and Marina in Ethiopia
Irina (left) with Enku and Marina in Ethiopia
Charming Irina Vakhitova is our general sales & product manager for our tours and expeditions. Her year-long experience and training in the tourism industry, in particular when working with outdoor tour operators, gave her the perfect background to work with us on worldwide destinations. Her passion and love for traveling joins her ability to keep all details in place and help you answer any question you might have!

Marco Fullé

Marco Fulle devant une coulée de lave sur l'Etna
Dr. Marco Fulle est un célèbre astronome Italien et expert en matière de volcan, considéré mondialement comme parmi les élites des photographes de volcan. Sa spécialité est le Mt Etna et avec ses photographies il est co-auteur du site internet éducatif populaire Stromboli en ligne - Lui et Tom, ont prouvé une équipe et une vraie amitié, ils ont vécus beaucoup d'aventures de volcan ensemble. Marco guide certaines des excursions de volcan en Italie, en particulier au volcan Etna - celui qu'il aime le plus et qu'il considère comme sa « résidence secondaire ».

Marina (l) and Irina on the Assale salt lake in Ethiopia's Danakil
Marina (l) and Irina on the Assale salt lake in Ethiopia's Danakil
Marina Morozova from Saint Petersburg, Russia, joined our team in 2017, to become one of our on- and off-site managers of our expeditions in the far east of Russia, before she moved to Greece in 2022.
In addition to organizing and coordinating our activities in remote areas, Marina is also the main manager of our social channels.
Martin Kelko, our latest team member, at Etna's Valle del Bove
Martin Kelko, our latest team member, at Etna's Valle del Bove
Martin Kelko from Slovakia holds a master´s degree in physical geography and geomorphology and is currently becoming a volcanologist through studies and traveling. He is extremely enthusiastic about everything around volcanoes and has become one of our main volcano news editors, helping us to keep up to date on volcanic events as they occur worldwide.
Martin is also passionate about traveling, especially South America, nature and mountains in particular, mountain and winter sports in particular. In fact, he spends as much time as possible outdoors. Some of you will probably meet him on one of our next expeditions when he'll be a co-guide in training.
Tobias Schorr with a turtle on Lesbos
German photographer Tobias Schorr is a well-informed amateur geologist and deeply passionate about the field, which has been his lifelong hobby. He is a mineral and fossil collector, and has been having numerous exchanges with other enthusiasts, academics and experts over the years.
Tobias has been sharing his time mostly between Germany and Greece, conducting volcano tours in the latter and opening people up to the fascinating volcanoes in the Aegean, especially in Milos, Santorini and Methana, the relatively unknown dormant yet impressive volcano near Athens. In this vein, over ten years ago Tobias launched - an extensive website dedicated to both the Methana volcano as well as other Greek volcanic areas. Methana is indeed his second home and his online portal for this hidden gem in Greece offers a myriad of stunning images and informative texts about nature, history and geology of this place. He also is the owner of Nature Discovery Tours which offers a wide range of natural-history and photography tours in Europe and beyond. Even in Germany, Tobias discovered minerals in the Black Forest that nobody had known existed in the area. Any tour conducted with Tobias is more than likely to be very engaging, informative and enlightening.

Yashmin Chebli

Yashmin Chebli sur Tanna (Vanuatu)
Le Géologue Yashmin Chebli, diplômé en volcanologie, est un passionné des volcans actifs de notre planète et de l'Univers. Volcanologue de formation, il a contribué à de nombreuses missions scientifiques sur les volcans du sud Pérou et en Italie. IL a participé à des stages de volcanologie et à de nombreux circuits d'études, de découvertes sur les volcans actifs, en Indonésie, sur les îles d'Hawaii, au Vanuatu, en Italie, en Sicile et bien d'autres destinations volcaniques ..., plus de 12 ans d'expériences, de passion et de compétences, à arpenter ces montagnes de feu au plus près des éruptions volcaniques.

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Dr. Tom Pfeiffer, volcanologist, volcano photographer, tour organizer member of
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