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Wed, 9 Sep 2020, 06:23

Makushin volcano (Aleutian Islands): Volcanic Alert Level lowered to Green

Makushin volcano yesterday (image: AVO)
The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) reported that the seismicity at the volcano has been steadily declining for months, following an earthquake sequence that began on 15 June. ... Read all

Makushin Volcano

Updated: Dec 4, 2024 15:30 GMT -
Stratovolcano 1800 m / 5,905 ft
Aleutian Islands, 53.89°N / -166.92°W
Current status: normal or dormant (1 out of 5)
Last update: 12 Oct 2023 (Volcanic Ash Advisory)

Makushin volcano is an ice-covered 1800-m-high stratovolcano on northern Unalaska Island west of the town of Dutch Harbor. The volcano contains a 2.5-km-wide caldera. Its broad, domical shape contrasts with the usual steep-sided profile of most other volcanoes in the Aleutians.

[smaller] [larger]
Typical eruption style: unspecified
Makushin volcano eruptions: 1995

Latest nearby earthquakes

TimeMag. / DepthDistance / Location
Dec 2, 01:26 am (Anchorage)

9.7 km
30 km (18 mi) to the E 5 km SE of Unalaska, Alaska Info
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 GMT (1 quake)
Nov 25, 09:20 pm (Anchorage)

4.7 km
12 km (7.4 mi) to the SE 22 km WSW of Unalaska, Alaska Info
Thursday, November 21, 2024 GMT (1 quake)
Nov 20, 09:35 pm (Anchorage)

11 km
26 km (16 mi) to the E 2 km S of Unalaska, Alaska Info


Much of the volcano was formed during the Pleistocene, but the caldera (which formed about 8000 years ago), Sugarloaf cone on the ENE flank, and a cluster of about a dozen explosion pits and cinder cones at Point Kadin on the WNW flank, are of Holocene age. A broad band of NE-SW-trending satellitic vents cuts across the volcano. The composite Pakushin cone, with multiple summit craters, lies 8 km to the SW of Makushin. Frequent explosive eruptions have occurred during the past 4000 years, sometimes accompanied by pyroclastic flows and surges. Geothermal areas are found in the summit caldera of Makushin and on the SE and eastern flanks of the volcano. They represent the largest and most investigated high-temperature geothermal resources in Alaska. Small-to-moderate explosive eruptions have been recorded at Makushin since 1786.
Smithsonian / GVP volcano information

Latest satellite images

makushin satellite image sat1makushin satellite image sat2
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