Balut Volcano
Updated: Sep 15, 2024 03:12 GMT -
stratovolcano 862 m / 2,828 ft
Mindanao (Philippines), 5.4°N / 125.38°E
Current status: (probably) extinct (0 out of 5)
Mindanao (Philippines), 5.4°N / 125.38°E
Current status: (probably) extinct (0 out of 5)
Balut volcano (also known as Sanguil) is a small island of the Sarangani group south of the Batulaki Peninsula at the south end of Mindanao Island in the Philippines.
The age of the last activity on Balut volcano is unknown, but hot springs and thermal areas are active on the W and SW flanks of the volcano.
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Balut volcano eruptions: unkown